In this episode of "Hub City Now with Tyrone tony Reed Jr.", the host interviews Dr. Mechelle Moragne, president of The Jackson (Tenn.) Chapter of the Links Incorporated and Dr. LaToshia Chism, event chair of The Holiday Emerald Jazz Brunch.
In this episode of "Hub City Now with Tyrone tony Reed Jr.", the host interviews Dr. Mechelle Moragne, president of The Jackson (Tenn.) Chapter of the Links Incorporated and Dr. LaToshia Chism, event chair of The Holiday Emerald Jazz Brunch.
In this episode of "Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.", the host interviews Andy Cole, Pro Bono Coordinator at West Tennessee Legal Services.
Cole spoke about how he joined with WTLS, expungements and the upcoming May 6 expungement clinic for charges in Madison County, Tennessee.
This clinic will allow qualifying individuals to have their criminal record erased. People may be eligible for expungement in Tennessee if they had charges against them dismissed, a “no true bill” was returned by a grand jury, they were arrested and released without being charged, they went to trial, which resulted in a not guilty verdict, or the case resulted in a nolle prosequi (prosecution will not be pursued). Additionally, some misdemeanor and felony convictions may be eligible for an expungement.
“Many times, people make mistakes in their lives that stay on their record forever, we want to help people who are eligible for an expungement get these charges erased from their record,” Cole said. “This is a great opportunity for people to be able to move on from their past.”
Anyone interested in registering for the clinic can call WTLS at 731-423-0616.
West Tennessee Legal Services, a nonprofit law firm, offers free civil legal representation and educational programs to help people in 17 West Tennessee counties receive justice, protect wellbeing, and support opportunities to overcome poverty. Counties served from offices in Jackson, Dyersburg, Huntingdon, and Selmer are Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lake, Madison, McNairy, Obion, and Weakley. WTLS is funded in part by the Legal Services Corporation and state, federal, and local funding, including United Way in Dyer, McNairy, and Weakley counties. Learn more at or by following the firm on Facebook.
In this episode of "Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.", the host interviews Jake Old, an attorney with West Tennessee Legal Services. WTLS has several grants in which it is helping survivors of the recent disasters in our area.
Old tells us about this initiative and other programs that WTLS provides.
For more information, visit
About West Tennessee Legal Services
West Tennessee Legal Services, a nonprofit law firm, offers free civil legal representation and educational programs to help people in 17 West Tennessee counties receive justice, protect well-being, and support opportunities to overcome poverty. Counties served from offices in Jackson, Dyersburg, Huntingdon, and Selmer are Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lake, Madison, McNairy, Obion, and Weakley. WTLS is funded in part by the Legal Services Corporation and state, federal, and local funding, including United Way in Dyer, McNairy, and Weakley counties. Learn more at or by following the firm on Facebook.