Beth Azor, Affectionately known as ‘The Canvassing Queen™’, is a Mother of 2 boys, Real Estate Investor, Podcast Host, Consultant, Keynote Speaker, Author and so Much More....
A graduate of FSU, Beth is a former Foundation Trustee and is past Chairwoman of the Board, and Founder of the FSU Real Estate Foundation. Beth is also the immediate past President of the Board of Directors of HOPE Outreach Center in Davie, Florida and co-founder of 100+ Women Who Care in South Florida. She resides in Davie with her two boys, Alex and Mario.
Listen as they chat, Real Estate, mentoring, investments, and her annual Thanksgiving Tradition.
Crystal Tucker
July 26, 2024Uncategorized
Crystal from Tucked and Threaded joins us on the Woman 2 Woman podcast! Crystal, a remarkable mom and business owner, shares her inspiring journey, the challenges she faced, and how her incredible story began. Don't miss this empowering episode filled with wisdom, resilience, and the passion behind Tucked and Threaded. Listen and be inspired!
100 Women Who Care
February 12, 2020Uncategorized
Heather chats with Shelby Matthis and Pam Stanfield from 100 Women Who Care - Jackson.