Sunday 22nd September 2024

Dr. King: A Pause for Tradition & Rest


The following is a special message from the Superintendent of the Jackson-Madison County School System Dr. Marlon D. King:

I hope this message finds you in good health and in good spirits. The winter storm we witnessed Monday was one for the record books as we haven’t experienced this much snow in quite a while. County highway department leaders have asked residents to stay off the roads until conditions improve. Wednesday, February 17, will be another snow day for Jackson-Madison County School System students and staff as our buildings will remain closed.

While advancements in technology have changed the way students learn, there are some time-honored traditions that deserve to be continued – even if just for a little bit. As a high school senior, I can remember a similar experience and it will forever go down in the books. While our students have experienced an unprecedented year, one marked with memories of new learning that will change our world, I too believe they should have the memory of enjoying the snow fun that we as adults had during our childhood.

I know the challenges involved with virtual learning can be stressful at times for everyone involved, so let’s take a moment to rest and, as carefully as you can, enjoy the rare occurrence of plentiful snow in West Tennessee. Enjoy building the snowmen, making snow angels, eating snow cream or just simply playing in the snow; create memories. Hopefully, you can share pictures with me on Twitter @suptking, as I would love to post.

Youth only lasts for so long and you’d be hard-pressed to find an adult who doesn’t remember fondly the joys of a snow day. As you stay off the roads, please stay tuned for district updates concerning our monthly board meeting, basketball tournament schedules, and dates for virtual learning.

Beginning Thursday, February the 18, and continuing to Friday, February 19, our leaders and teachers will be reaching out to provide instructional support via remote learning days, so that we can prepare for the start of next week. I hope you have enjoyed these two days of snow play. Always remember that I am here to serve.

Love, -M
