Sunday 22nd September 2024

Jackson Energy Authority Releases Energy Advisory



With temperatures expected to remain below normal for several days, the Jackson Energy Authority advises the following:

*Lower thermostats for central heating to 68 degrees.

*Unplug unused devices.

*Turn off lights not in immediate use.

*Reduce shower times and avoid baths.

*Refrain from using larges appliances as much as possible during these cold days.

*Unless fireplace is in use, close damper.

*Gas stovetops or ovens (gas or electric) should not be used to heat home.

*Protect natural gas meters (Use broom to sweep away snow/ice buildup).

* Minimize frozen pipe risk (Keep cabinet doors open around plumbing. Close crawlspace vents. Leave water dripping in internal faucets).

* In the event of damage to utility lines, do not go near downed lines. Do not try to remove limbs from lines or move downed lines out of the area. Stay away and call JEA to report.

* If at any time you smell gas, leave the area immediately to move to a safe distance from the smell and call JEA and 911.
It’s important during this historic weather event to stay alert to the changing weather conditions. Our crews work to provide the safest, most reliable services and we ask that our customers remember to stay safe during the winter storm. Taking these steps helps reduce energy use and maintain supply of electricity and natural gas during this period of high energy demand. For more energy saving tips, visit
