Sunday 29th September 2024

Positive COVID-19 Cases at Two Schools Cause JMCSS to Replace Traditional Option with Distance Learning


Courtesy of JMCSS

Jackson-Madison County Schools has announced that traditional in-person learning will be replaced with a distance learning option, according to a Thursday night post on the school system’s website.

Our mission to educate students is important. Paramount, however, is student safety and the safety of our teachers. The continuing rise of positive COVID19 cases in Madison County is beginning to cast a shadow of doubt among our employees and their families. Despite early requests from teachers and parents for schools to reopen with traditional learning, the rising apprehension among teachers cannot be ignored. “Our conversations with faculty members during the Superintendent’s Road Show this week has only confirmed many of the issues our Senior Leadership Team (i.e., District principals) brought to my attention during our meeting last week,” Superintendent Dr. Marlon King said.

Positive cases today at Liberty Technology Magnet High School and Pope School, along with the subsequent protocol measures that have forced more than 10 teachers to quarantine, have forced JMCSS leadership to modify our re-entry plan for the 2020-20201 school year.

“In an effort to keep students and teachers safe, our traditional – in-person – learning option is being replaced with a distance learning option where learning will continue at home with books and weekly learning packets,” King said. This modification may require further adjustment to our staggered schedule for back to school week – which is set to begin on Monday, August 24th. “Learning will start again in the Jackson-Madison County School System; and with distance, virtual, and CyberSchool options in place, learning will continue with rigor and success thanks to the dedication of our talented educators and school administrators,” Dr. King said.

Based on district survey results in June and July, in-person instruction was a desire for many parents and teachers in our district. Adjusting the New Normal Initiative, however, will keep more students and teachers safe and also protect the continuous learning process.

“I will gladly pivot on the recommendation of our local health officials. Many of our teachers will sleep better and educate with a greater level of confidence with these latest adjustments,” Dr. King said. “I am thankful to the leadership and support of our school board members during this challenging time. Together we will win. For the District.”
