Tuesday 4th February 2025

JMCSS Holds Groundbreaking Ceremonies for New JCM and Madison


JACKSON, Tenn. – JMCSS will host two groundbreaking ceremonies to celebrate the work beginning on two major construction projects: the new Madison and JCM. The work for JCM will take place on the existing Jackson Central Merry High School campus at 332 Lane Avenue. The new building for Madison Academic Magnet High School will be on the campus of University of Memphis at Lambuth, 705 Lambuth Blvd.

Both groundbreaking ceremonies will take place on Friday, June 26, starting with Madison Academic at 9:00 a.m. and then Jackson Central Merry at 10:00 a.m., both on their respective campuses.

Community members are invited to attend the ceremonies to celebrate this step forward with the public private partnership that makes these construction projects possible.

Wearing masks and social distancing are recommended, in compliance with all CDC and local government recommendations.
