Jackson, Tenn.— The West Tennessee Healthcare Sportsplex guidelines are now available. Director Jason Compton will be available for interview today at 3:30 PM at the Sportsplex.
Outline of Sportsplex Reopening/Guidelines
• Concessions Changes
- Only the following Items will be sold
- Bottled Drinks
- Packaged Candy
- Pre-Packaged Ice Cream Novelties & Pre-Packaged Dippin’ Dots
Patrons will be allowed to bring-in whatever food they want to
- No alcohol will be allowed
Gate Admissions for Baseball or Baseball/Softball Weekends
- Adult $7 per day or $16 for a Weekend Pass
- Children (6-12) $4 per day
- o Seniors (65+) $6 per day
Gate Admissions for Softball Only Weekends
- Adult $10 per day $13 Two-Day Pass
- 10 & Under Free
Merchandise Shops Will Be Closed
- A number to text will be provided if a necessity needs to be purchased and a
staff member will assist
All patrons will be required to bring their own chair
- Bleachers will be closed/roped off
- Families must practice social distancing when placing their chairs around the
field - Please keep at least 6 feet between each household
- If tents are used, please keep only the same household under a single tent
Playground will be Closed
- The Playground will be roped off
- Every other will sink closed
- Every other stall closed
- Every other urinal closed
- Bathrooms will be cleaned every hour
- Please practice social distancing while waiting for the restroom
Hand Sanitizer will be placed throughout complex
Six Feet Marks will be placed at gates for Social Distancing
Signage placed throughout complex encouraging social distancing, hand washing
practices, fever & cough protocol
Sportsplex Staff members will be required to wear face coverings
- Staff members will be health screened and temperature checked prior to starting
each shift - Patrons are encouraged to wear face covering, but not required
Patrons who are not feeling well or have shown symptoms related to
COVID-19 are asked to stay home
USSSA guidelines (These guidelines will be used for all gameplay at the Sportsplex unless
- USSSA COVID-19 RETURN TO PLAY WAIVER must be signed electronically
through USSSA’s website for a player to be eligible to participate in any game
(This is specific to USSSA sanctioned events only) - It is the Head Coach’s responsibility to screen all players and assistant coaches
with questions to make sure that anyone not feeling well or showing symptoms
consistent to that of COVID-19 are not allowed to participate in the event - Pregame meeting at home plate is limited to one coach from each team and
umpire and they must stay six feet apart…no handshake - No scorecard/pitch card exchanges if possible to reduce person to person
contact - Limit dugout to essential team personnel
- Encourage parents to supply their players with disinfectant wipes and hand
sanitizer for use in-between inning to use on any shared equipment. - Encourage cleaning of hands and equipment in-between innings
- Discourage sharing of any equipment
- Players should bring their own, personal cooler instead of a team cooler. Players
should bring their own individual bottle of water rather than having one
provided by the team. - Players are allowed to wear PPE items if they choose, as long as the items do not
compromise the safety of any and all participants. - Teams are required to clean their dugout of all trash and other items after each
game, and are to wipe down (clean) hard surfaces such as benches, bat racks, all
touchpoints, etc… with disinfect wipes - The Sportsplex will supply each dugout with disinfectant wipes and hand
sanitizer to the best of its ability. But due to supply chain issues, we ask
each team to bring back-up in case of low inventory - Upon arriving at a dugout for the first time, teams are required to wipe down
(clean) hard surfaces such as benches, bat racks, all touchpoints, etc… with
disinfect wipes - The Sportsplex will supply each dugout with disinfectant wipes and hand
sanitizer to the best of its ability. But due to supply chain issues, we ask
each team to bring back-up in case of low inventory - We ask that participants and patrons be in the complex for their games only.
There will be more time scheduled in-between games to allow for time for
dugout cleaning and for patrons to leave and arrive for their games with less
overlap - Award Ceremonies will be contactless
- A team designee will receive awards and will distribute them
COMPLEX BY EVERYONE - Additional Guidelines
- Balls will be wiped down between innings by Umpires
o Scoreboard will be on a volunteer basis only - Anyone keeping scoreboard assumes the risks of the multiple
touchpoints of the panel by multiple persons - Panel must be wiped with disinfectant wipes before and after each game
if used - Umpires are not to gather in any one room in groups of more than 20 at a time
and will practice social distancing - Umpires will be health screened and temperature checked prior to their
first game
• A record is to be kept by the UIC - Umpires will wear face coverings during each game